The trouble with cancer is that once you have had it and its gone it never completely goes away. Yes I know that's a contradiction! Be honest who goes for tests or results without feeling a sense of doom. Who doesn't listen to that little man dressed in red with a long tail telling you "Its going to be bad news" over the pretty lady in white with a halo telling you "Its going to be okay"
March was an awful month. It was devastating,emotional,horrendous. We lost some wonderful people. Ladies that were advocates for charities. A young lady of just 33 married for only a month.
People getting news they didn't want, that the cancer had spread.
This has got to stop happening!!
April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month and we all need to do what we can to stop this awful disease. I would urge you to put things on your timeline on Twitter or Facebook to help raise awareness, or links to Beating Bowel Cancer or Bowel Cancer UK.
Tell family or friends not to be embarrassed to check their poo.Tell them not to be 'fobbed' off by their GP with diagnosis of IBS or period cramps, tell them to get a second opinion.
If diagnosed early bowel cancer is treatable.Too many people are suffering and losing their lives because of wrong diagnosis or because they don't know the symptoms.
On a personal note things have been a bit rough! Although I didn't have to argue to get my gall bladder removed and am now on priority waiting list.
A scan has shown that the tubes,going in and out of my right kidney, are thickening and they need to put a camera 'up' (yes that way) through my bladder into the tubes and kidney and maybe take a sample for testing. The consultant isn't overly concerned but because of my history (cue little man in red chuckling) they need to check it out.So there it is again "you have had cancer so we need to be careful".
They're going to do it the same time my gall bladder is removed so only one anaesthetic!
Something I havnt mentioned is that I was referred to the Breast clinic and went back today where thankfully a mammogram showed all clear!!
So yes I have had cancer and now every different pain or something strange seems to be happening to my body I rush to the doctors. Am I being paranoid? Yes quite possibly. So there it is once you have had cancer it comes back to haunt you and never really goes away.